
Best Recruiting Experience

Musaned Is One Of The Initiatives Of The Ministry Of Human Resources And Social Development. It Is A Comprehensive Electronic Platform To Experience The Recruitment Of Domestic Workers In An Integrated Manner. It Aims To Facilitate The Procedures For Recruiting Domestic Workers And Increase The Level Of Preserving The Rights Of All Parties By Introducing Employers And Domestic Workers To Their Rights And Duties.

How To Recruit From Musaned
  • 1
    Determine The Type Of Recruitment

    Go To Musaned And Choose The Type Of Recruitment According To Preference, Either Recruiting A Worker With Specific Specifications Or Recruiting A Predetermined Worker By Name

  • 2
    Choose A Service Provider

    Musaned Displays All Offices Providing Recruitment Services With The Possibility Of Classification And Sorting As Desired

  • 3
    Call The Company

    Contact Is Made With The Office To Choose The Appropriate CV In Order To Submit Offers Of Recruitment Requests That Include The Salary Due To The Worker According To Yout Choice

  • 4
    Determine The Type Of Insurance

    Determine The Type Of Insurance

  • 5
    Make Payment

    Pay Safely Through Musaned After Creating The Contract, You Can Choose Between Several Payment Methods: Visa, MasterCard, Or Through Mada Bank Card

  • 6
    Track Your Order

    Follow The Status Of Applications Electronically From The Delivery Of The Application Until The Arrival Of The Worker

Multiple Resumes

A Diverse Collection Of Resumes Based On The Specifications You Desire.

Browse CVs
Recruitment Requirements
Visa Issuance
Access To The "Musaned" Platform
Verification Of Your Eligibility For Obtaining The Visa
Search For And Selection Of The Office
Entering The Required Information And Providing Proof Of Financial Capability
Declaration Of Accurate Information And Payment Of Fees
Required Documents For Domestic Labor Recruitment
Visa Issuance
Selection Of The Curriculum Vitae
National ID Or Residency Card For Residents, And The Associated Number In "Absher" System.